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What’s Your Real Job?

Never say that to a musician.

This is the real job, the one I get paid for is my hobby. How many of us wish that this was the case? I have huge proposal due to a major customer, but it will have to wait...I am on the 4th rewrite of my 1st song of the 4 x 4 songwriting challenge. I have never rewritten so much or thought so much about lyrics, and what the say, and how I say it, and how I sing them, and are they too weird, too smart...too random.

Back to the proposal for my "hobby". It sits and waits. The song was rewritten at 11:30PM Tuesday night, and again on my phone lying in bed at 4:00AM, once more at 8:30AM before I had to leave to do my hobby. I left my hobby early yesterday to play guitar and record, and think, and fine tune. Today I have half a draft of my opening statement for my proposal...good.

I have the main track recorded for my song...better.

This is hard, but its all I have been thinking about since Sunday. It gives me energy, allows me to surf waves of emotions, and helps me connect.

I can't wait to hear everybody's art. I can't wait to be sent the next challenge. How can I write a song on deadline 4 weeks in a row? And blog. And record it.

Not sure, but I am going to try.

Congratulations to all of us for accepting the challenge.

Hope I don't get fired.

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